Advanced lab courses
Area B

At the IPKM we offer experiments in area B of the advanced lab courses. Please use the online registration form to reserve an experiment. The person responsible at the institute for the experiments is Prof. Regine von Klitzing.

Mini-research ("Miniforschung")

In addition to the experiments offered, our experimentally oriented groups offer so-called Miniforschung projects. The time required for this is about 80 hours. Mini-research is a good opportunity for you to get to know the research and staff of the institutes. A current example is Dynamic Light Scattering ( von Klitzing Group).

You can have a completed experimental mini-research credited as an achievement for the advanced lab course. It is equivalent to two experiments. Several mini-researches are possible if different topics are worked on in different working groups.

Please contact the group leaders for current research topics:

AG Apl. Prof. Thomas Blochowizc

AG Prof. Emanuel Schneck

AG Prof. Bernhard Urabaszek

AG Regine von Klitzing

AG Prof. Michael Vogel


To register for a lab course, please register using the online form provided by the students representative committee. For acess, your matriculation number needs to be added to the system, which is usually done by the supervisor after completion of your basic lab course. If you are not yet registered, you may ask any advanced course supervisor to do it.

Further information can be found in the leaflet “Spielregeln” (opens in new tab) .

Content and form of the record is summarized in the leaflet Gedankenstütze (opens in new tab) .


The lab experiments of the Advanced Lab Course, as well all events, should be evaluated. Since the winter semester 2006/07, the evaluation will be done online and anonymously. Through this feedback, we can solve problems quickly and will continuously improve the courses.


To register for a lab course, please register using the online form provided by the students representative committee. For acess, your matriculation number needs to be added to the system, which is usually done by the supervisor after completion of your basic lab course. If you are not yet registered, you may ask any advanced course supervisor to do it.

Further information can be found in the leaflet “Spielregeln” (opens in new tab) .

Content and form of the record is summarized in the leaflet Gedankenstütze (opens in new tab) .


The lab experiments of the Advanced Lab Course, as well all events, should be evaluated. Since the winter semester 2006/07, the evaluation will be done online and anonymously. Through this feedback, we can solve problems quickly and will continuously improve the courses.


To register for a lab course, please register using the online form provided by the students representative committee. For acess, your matriculation number needs to be added to the system, which is usually done by the supervisor after completion of your basic lab course. If you are not yet registered, you may ask any advanced course supervisor to do it.

Further information can be found in the leaflet “Spielregeln” (opens in new tab) .

Content and form of the record is summarized in the leaflet Gedankenstütze (opens in new tab) .


The lab experiments of the Advanced Lab Course, as well all events, should be evaluated. Since the winter semester 2006/07, the evaluation will be done online and anonymously. Through this feedback, we can solve problems quickly and will continuously improve the courses.