We offer basic lectures and courses on chaos theory, condensed matter theory, soft matter physics and the fundamentals of NMR. A variety of lab courses help you to develop methodological and experimental skills.

Please visit the web pages of our research groups for course details and student opportunities . If you are interested in a field, feel free to contact the group leaders directly to discuss opportunities for student assistantship and BSc, MSc, PhD or PostDoc projects. An overview of the current courses can be found in the campus management system:

Courses at the IPKM in TUCaN. For more information about the courses at the IPKM please consider the group pages.

Find our Buildings on the Map of the Campus City Centre (S) (opens in new tab) .

  Name Contact
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
S2|04 - S2|07
Prof. Dr. Regine von Klitzing
Vice Dean
+49 6151 16-24506
S2|04 102
Barbara Böttcher
+49 6151 16-21502
S2|07 81