Prof. von Klitzing Group

We are exploring interfacial phenomena in soft matter, especially the structure and dynamics of stimuli responsive polymer coatings (polyelectrolyte multilayers, polymer brushes and microgel layers), thin liquid films, foams and emulsions. Our endeavour and strength is to cover the entire area, starting from synthesis of polymer systems, designing novel hybrid systems, employing complex characterisation methods and developing new sample environments for in-house use and large-scale facilities.To this end, we have considerable experience and capabilities in utilising AFM and scattering methods (neutrons, X-rays, light) to characterize interfaces stemming from interdisciplinary fields of physics, chemistry, biology, chemical engineering and material science.

Video Presentation

Here we briefly show where we work and how our labs look like. Also you may learn of our scientific focus and what instruments and techniques we make use of.

Thin Film Pressure Balance

Collage of interference phenomena observed by time-resolved white light interferometry on individual free-standing nm-thin foam films stabilised with polymer-based microgels.

News & Events

Open positions / Theses

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Unsolicited applications

No job postings or not your topic? If you are interested in our research field, please contact us to discuss opportunities. Whether student assistantship (Studentische Hilfskraft) and BSc, MSc, PhD or PostDoc projects. Your application is always welcome …

von Klitzing group contacts

Technical University of Darmstadt

Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
Soft Matter at Interfaces

Building S2|04
Hochschulstr. 6–8
64289 Darmstadt

Map of the TU campus City centre (opens in new tab) .