To conduct a full range of complex optical studies we have the broadband supercontinuum laser (FIANIUM FIU-15, NKT Photonics) coupled with tunable bandpass filters with different spectral width options (SuperK Varia and LLTF Contrast, NKT Photonics) allowing it to operate as a white light source as well as a narrow line source. The high resolution of the collected signal is provided by the spectrometer (Teledyne Prinston Instruments) coupled with a highly sensitive cooled CCD camera (PyLoN 1340x100BRX LN, Teledyne Prinston Instruments). For the PL imaging, we use the home-built microscope system with white light LED (SOLIS-1D, Thorlabs) and CMOS camera (CS126CU, Thorlabs).
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