To provide magneto-optical experiments at low temperatures down to 4 K and magnetic fields in a range of 5 T out of-a-plane and 2 T in-plane we use the closed-cycle cryostat with 3D vector superconducting magnet system and motorized positioners (attoDRY1000, Attocube). Measurements at low temperatures are essential to reveal the real line widths given by sample quality due to the reduction of phonon absorption.
“Revealing exciton masses and dielectric properties of monolayer semiconductors with high magnetic fields” M. Goryca, J. Li, A.V. Stier, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, E. Courtade, S. Shree, C. Robert, B. Urbaszek, X. Marie & S.A. Crooker, Nature Communications, 10, 4172 (2019)