Dr. Sebastian Plitzko

AG Drossel


Metacommunities, networks on networks, DFG-Forschergruppe 1748, complexity-stability relations, generalized modelling


Konstantin Ristl, Sebastian J Plitzko, Barbara Drossel:
Complex response of a food-web module to symmetric and asymmetric migration between several patches,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 354 (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.03.009

Sebastian J Plitzko, Barbara Drossel, Christian Guill:
Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 306 (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008



  • Workshop on the Structure and dynamics of meta-food webs, Bielefeld: "Dynamical stability of meta-food webs" (Vortrag)
  • MPDE'13 Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology, Osnabrück: "The effect of migration between patches on the stability of food webs" (Vortrag)
  • INTECOL Advancing ecology and making it count, London: "The effect of migration between patches on the stability of large food webs" (Vortrag)
  • DPG Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg: "The effect of migration between patches on the stability of food webs" (Vortrag)


  • Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Lüneburg:"The effect of migration between patches on the stability of food webs" (Vortrag)


  • British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Sheffield: "Complexity-stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters" (Vortrag)
  • DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden: "Complexity-stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters" (Vortrag)


SS 10: Statistische Physik (Übungsleiter)


  • Master-Thesis
    • Stability and dynamics of generalized food webs
  • Bachelor-Thesis
    • Chaos und stabile Inseln in der Standardabbildung